De donde proviene el derecho

¿Where the law come from? History

Law as we know it today has had to undergo a series of changes and evolutions. It was born in the first societies or civilizations of humanity, which applied the law based on their religious beliefs or cultural customs. The Roman Empire is the pioneer in terms of civilizations that tried to apply a normative system. They did so in order to establish a hierarchical order and guarantee coexistence among the citizens who made up that society. Other older civilizations such as the Mesopotamian or Egyptian also had a normative system, which gave rise to law.

The normative system applied by civilizations or empires where the law originated did not have an objective enforcement system. It was the monarchs or people with more power who were in charge of applying this normative system. That is why the law and its application had to evolve over the years. Thus, the current law seeks a fairer application, where justice punishes and is responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulatory system.

Importance of law

Law represents the set of laws or regulations that are in charge of keeping a state in equilibrium and coexistence. Those civilizations that began to implement this normative system were able to make their societies organize themselves and coexist in peace. The application of law is of great relevance because it regulates the conduct and protects the rights of citizens within a society. In most states based on law and democracy, the application and full compliance with the right is fundamental to the development of the right.

In today’s societies the application of the law in its different branches is fundamental to maintain the organization and full coexistence in these societies. The different changes and evolutions through which the law has had to go through and its application, have made its effectiveness consolidated. At present, each state has the autonomy to apply the law according to its legal guidelines, but in most cases its application is similar in all countries. The law has a very important role in human development and civilizations, since it established norms of conduct and organization in society.

Basic principles of law

The basic principles or guidelines that govern the law are the establishment of a series of norms that seek the coexistence and organization in society of a rule of law. At present, the basic principles that govern the law of democratic states are maximum respect for human rights and sovereignty. In addition, the preservation of peace and compliance with the norms of society are also of great importance. The proper enforcement and application of laws within a rule of law depends on each state.

Derecho administrativo

What is international administrative law

International administrative law is the legal answer to all those problems that arise through the internationalization of the activity at the administrative level. Among the many problems that exist at the international level is that of the corruption of public contracts. This activity has spread to a large number of nations in the last decade.

Administrative law is considered as one of the theoretical and analytical frameworks in all governments of the world. Therefore, an administrative regulation that is developed at a global level will need the state to inherit the administrative functions to international organizations or entities that supposed a competition to the state entities.

Today, this has been the result of globalization, not only at an economic level, but also at a legal level. In that way a result is obtained from all these methods in each of the public administrations. The objective of this is to propose legal concepts common to each State. As a result, the relationship between the development of international administrative law and international environmental law is much closer. In this way, finding a solution to the problems that occur in the ecosystem at a global level will be an easy task.

Origin of the concept

Administrative law as such emerges as a branch of public law that deals with the administrative function and the relationship between individuals. In short, one could say that administrative law is an organization that has the power of public administration. For this reason, it is said that this administration entrusted by some entities is only in charge of the good functioning in general of the public services, which are important to deliver security, welfare and satisfaction to the educational, economic, social and other community.

There are branches that are involved in international administrative law. However, they are governed by different rules depending on the area involved.

ejemplos derecho normativo

Examples and application of normative law

The law or normative system is the set of laws or norms that the states of law apply to maintain order in society. It is applied through different entities or organizations that function under the regulation of the state. The normative law is applied so that the citizens comply and live together under a series of rules established by society. This facilitates coexistence and respect for the laws by citizens and all members of a democratic rule of law.

The state is the main one in charge of ensuring that the normative system is applied correctly in any society. Because it must ensure the proper functioning of the entities or organizations that in turn regulate these regulatory systems. The legal order has in turn a very close relationship with the legal guidelines of the autonomous nations. However, the system of normative law is very similar in all the democratic states of law in the world. There are some cases where the normative system varies, because each country has the autonomy to choose and implement its own legal guidelines.

Examples of normative law

Within the application of normative law there are a series of laws that have a certain hierarchy and in most cases have greater validity. Thus, laws with a higher hierarchy serve as a guide for resolving disputes or inconveniences. In most democratic states of law, the highest normative order is the constitution. This is followed by international treaties, state or ministerial laws, and then local laws. The application of normative law is usually very similar in all countries, although this may vary according to the guidelines of each rule of law.

The constitution

In most cases, this “Magna Card” is the maximum expression or guideline to be followed by the individuals of a society in any rule of law. It usually contains detailed rules governing the state, and therefore the laws it contains tend to be those of the highest order. The constitution of a rule of law must contain a series of norms and laws, established to ensure coexistence and respect for all the fundamental rights of any society. The Magna Card also establishes the norms and laws that must be complied with on a mandatory basis.